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Skidmore College
Off-Campus Study & Exchanges

Health and Safety

In choosing to study off-campus, you have demonstrated that you are a risk taker of the very best kind. 我们在OCSE希望你能继续挑战自我 and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you while off-campus. Your safety and security are always important when traveling and living away from home. Although we hope that during your time off-campus you will not have to concern yourself with crisis situations, we know that circumstances are constantly changing. Therefore, we offer health and safety recommendations, precautions and information 在这个网站上,以及在 Student handbook.

记住,你的健康和安全是你自己的责任. While the health and safety tips that we outline make sense at all times, they are even more critical during any time of conflict.  请熟悉这一信息.  It is also of crucial importance that you follow the advice of your onsite staff and adhere to 程序的规则和限制.


Health Abroad

Staying healthy while abroad is important to having a successful study abroad experience.  We strongly recommend that you read all the information your program provides on health 您所在国家的问题,然后再阅读此信息!


Students approved to study off-campus in a country other than their home country will be covered under this plan, receiving details of coverage via email directly from 航母在他们的项目开始日期前不久. (Please note that an approved 项目提供商也可以使用Skidmore选择的保险公司.  If this does occur, insurance coverage cannot be duplicated and students will receive their coverage through their program.) 

OCSE will enroll students in the GeoBlue plan shortly before the start of their semester off-campus, typically June or August, dependent on your program start date, for the fall semester and academic year programs and December for the spring semester programs.  学生将收到来自GeoBlue的欢迎邮件.  It is important that students follow the instructions in that email to finalize their enrollment in the plan.  It 强烈建议您下载 GeoBlue Mobile App

Students can contact GeoBlue for assistance in locating a medical professional and 在他们学习的国家获得一份工作.  GeoBlue也可以出具保证书 of Payment to doctors and hospitals, allowing students to access care without paying for their visit.  学生也可以使用该应用程序或联系GeoBlue进行确认 whether their current medication is available in their country of study, helping them to plan accordingly.

有关保险计划及旅游服务的详情,请浏览以下网页: 国际健康保险手册

这对品行也是有益的 Pre-Trip Planning

As you acclimate to your new environment, there is a likelihood that you will face a few problems.  然而,你可能面临的最常见的问题是医疗问题 typically minor.

It is important that you familiarize yourself with the medical coverage provided by 火博体育,以及你的保险公司提供的保险. 

Current Health Conditions

As you consider studying off-campus, it is strongly recommended that students with routine and/or chronic health conditions, as well as mental health conditions, contact their health care provider to discuss managing their conditions while off-campus.

有许多因素会加剧症状.  比如饮食的改变, climate, air quality, elevation and other stress factors that can have an adverse 对目前已得到控制的健康状况的影响.  Therefore it is important 研究一下你的校外学习地点.


  • 某些处方药在其他国家可能买不到. You should work with your physician and insurance company to obtain the necessary amount for your term off-campus.  请注意,一般来说,处方药不能邮寄.
  • 在美国可以买到的药物.S. 在其他国家可能是非法的. Please 咨询该国领事馆网站和美国官方网站.S. 国务院国家网页 to confirm availability.  你可能需要和你的医生一起寻找替代方案 medication.
  • The over-the-counter medications you are familiar with will more than likely not be available in another country.
  • 当您携带药物旅行时,请将它们保存在原始容器中. Please refer to the TSA Guidelines on transporting medication


When experiencing challenges and/or life changes, including studying off-campus, it is not uncommon for students to experience anxiety, changes in eating habits, depression, 情绪波动或孤立感.

These disorders can be brought on by a multitude of circumstances such as academic 关注,社交生活或物质/酒精滥用.  Please ask for help.

Students currently receiving care for mental health should work with their mental 健康从业者制定校外学习计划. You should also notify your program provider if you need help finding mental health services in your program location.

国际校外学习保险公司GeoBlue提供 mental health support. Those students studying off-campus domestically can access mental health services through BetterMynd, an online therapy platform that Skidmore has partnered with to provide free teletherapy sessions to students.


Safety Abroad

Regardless of whether you are on or off-campus your safety should be foremost in your mind.  要意识到,做好准备,保持警惕,并采取相应的行动. 

Please review the “Safety Matters” section of the Student Handbook for safety guidelines and precautions.

  • Program your cell phone
    • 将现场工作人员的火博体育输入到您的手机通讯录中
    • Input the your host country’s emergency numbers (911-equivalent) into your phone’s Contacts
    • 输入最近的联系人信息 S. Embassy into your phone
  • The U.S. 大使馆在那里,它提供援助,如果发生 emergency but understand what the U.S. Department of State can and cannot do in a crisis.
  • 标出附近的医院/急诊室、警察局、领事馆/大使馆
  • Keep a scanned copy and photocopy of passport, visa, health insurance and credit cards in a safe place
  • Keep information on allergies, medications and special medical conditions on your person
  • Notify program staff, parents/guardians and friends of any non-program travel (i.e., weekend trips, breaks)
  • 购买一份个人财产保险,为你的贵重物品投保.e., laptop, cell phone, etc.),以防遗失或被盗. You can also consult your parents’ home owner’s insurance to determine if coverage is provided or a rider can be obtained.

Off-campus programs will generally provide an onsite orientation that will include health and safety information.  现场工作人员将是您最好的资源 健康问题,安全事故和突发事件. 


  • Find a safe location
  • 立即联系现场工作人员. 他们会帮你联系警察 and/or U.S. Embassy.

If you are a victim of theft:

  • Report theft of credit cards to your credit card company and arrange for replacement cards.
  • 如果您的护照被盗,请联系最近的美国海关.S. 大使馆或您本国的大使馆.
  • If your laptop, cell phone or other valuable items are stolen contact the police immediately. Your personal property insurance company will require a police report to process a claim.
  • Research your country of study.
  • Familiarize yourself with local customs in an effort not to offend and jeopardize your safety.
  • Learn basic words related to safety and emergencies in the host country language, such as “help” and “police.
  • 让你的手机充满电,并随时与你在一起.
  • Be vigilant while in public. Always locate points of exit.
  • 使用公共交通工具时要警惕. 出入公共汽车、地铁和火车 expeditiously.
  • Safeguard your possessions and move away from unattended bags or packages and suspicious individuals. 立即通知警察或有关当局.
  • Avoid areas known to have a high incidence of crime and do not walk or travel alone, especially at night.
  • Do not drink to excess. 醉酒会增加患癌症的风险 受害者:犯罪或事故的受害者.
  • Listen to and read local news.
  • 限制你光顾美国人开的或品牌的商店和餐馆. There is 世界许多角落的反美情绪. 
  • 阅读你收到的所有消息 智能旅行者登记计划. 在Twitter、Instagram和/或Facebook上关注他们.
  • 与家里的家人保持经常联系.
  • 注意来自程序的所有消息. Respond accordingly.